Hope Crouch and Logan Laine
Two Fayette County 4-Hers recently participated in the Western Region 4-H Outdoor Meat Cookery Competition in Jackson, TN. Senior 4-Her Hope Crouch and Freshman 4-Her Logan Laine both grilled for the judges along with over 100 other 4-Hers in attendance at the contest. They were given two hours to do everything from set up their charcoal grills to turn in their meat- unassisted by adults. They had plenty of practice before coming to the contest. They and other Fayette Co. 4-Hers met with their 4-H agents each Friday afternoon for six weeks to learn about proper food handling and grilling methods. This was Hope's first year to grill at the contest, and Logan's second. Both grilled chicken for the judges, with Hope adding grilled peaches and Logan pineapple for a side dish. Logan placed first in the chicken category. Way to go kids!
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