Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Preventing Problems in the Vegetable Garden

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That statement definitely rings true in the garden.  There are lots of simple things you can do this growing season to prevent insect and disease problems on your vegetables. 

This year when you buy seeds or transplants, make sure to buy disease resistant varieties whenever possible.  Also, inspect the transplants for any warning signs.   Check over them for insects.   Look under the leaves and in the axils- the area where the leaves connect to the stems.  Reject any transplants that look sickly or have any spots on the leaves.  Leaf spots are generally an indication of a fungal disease problem. 

When you lay out the garden, be sure to practice crop rotation.  Rotating crops is one of the best and easiest disease prevention strategies we have.  Many diseases are specific to a particular family of plants, so when you rotate between the families, the cycle of disease can be broken.  Dividing your garden into four sections and rotating the crop families to a different one each year for four years is an easy way to do it.  Common families include the legumes (peas and beans), the cucurbits (squash, pumpkins, muskmelon, watermelon, watermelon, and cucumber), the crucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collards, turnips, mustards, and radish), and the night shades (potatoes, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes).

Consider mulching your vegetables this year.  If mulch is good for you landscape plants, it will be good for your vegetables too.  Mulch prevents weeds, water loss, and the spread of diseases from splashing water.  You can use any organic mulch you want such as leaves, straw and grass clippings.  Just apply a 2-3” deep layer on top of the soil surface. 

For continuing protection through the summer, remove struggling plants.  Don’t try to nurse an ailing tomato plant along.  Struggling plants are an open invitation for diseases and insects.  It is better to pull up one plant than to risk inoculating the whole lot. 

Why not try one of these strategies?  It could save you time and money in the long run.  May you have a  bountiful harvest this year! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Update on Perennial Foxtail in Hayfields

County Director Jeff Via is back as a guest blogger this week with an update on his work with Perennial Foxtails. 

Jeff Via

Last week, on March 28, 2011, Extension agents in Fayette and Shelby County along with help from BASF put out a research plot targeting perennial foxtail.  The plot is located on a field that was treated with varying rates of pedimethalin (Prowl H2O) and conducted  where  1.5 quarts of Prowl H20 was applied along with  glyphosate as a dormant spray. 

Since a limited amount of research has been conducted in states south of Tennessee (where knotroot foxtail is more prevalent) and the results show that even the most effective treatments (Pastora or Pastora plus glyphosate) only provide suppression of the weed. We decided to do some research in state.

Pastora at 1.5 oz. along with different rates of glyphosate was applied to the field.  We are also looking at other experimental herbicides.  We will be monitoring and spraying the plot again with Pastora and glyphosate next week and will see how the different applications are affecting the perennial foxtail.  At 1.5 qts. of Prowl H2O, the seedling foxtail are emerging everywhere.  See picture below.

 On the date that the research plot was conducted, the perennial foxtail was 8-10 inches in height. In a normal year, as already mentioned in the previous blog, our recommendation would be to apply a dormant spray for winter weeds and then apply Pastora at 1.5 oz./acre + glyphosate (8 oz./acre of a 4 lb./gal. product or equivalent) with a non-ionic surfactant at 1 qt./100 gal. 3-5 days after first cutting for knotroot foxtail “suppression”. This could then be followed by 1 oz./acre Pastora or Pastora plus (8 oz./acre of a 4 lb./gal glyphosate or equivalent) 10-14 days later if the weeds try to recover.

 With the warmer than normal temperatures this year and the rapid early growth of the foxtail, troublesome fields need to be treated now.

 Producers can expect reduced growth and discoloration of the bermudagrass following applications of Pastora or Pastora plus glyphosate. This is temporary and the bermudagrass will recover. Remember according to the Pastora label we cannot apply more than 2.5 oz./acre per season.

The agents in Fayette and Shelby County were called out and visited a field on April 3, 2012 where 4 quarts of Prowl H20 was used in combination in the dormant spray.  The seedling foxtail was suppressed at this rate and at this point.  However, the perennial foxtail  is starting to put out  seed heads.

Recommendations at this time are to use 1.5 oz. of Pastora with (8 oz. of 4lb./gal. glyphosate or equivalent) with a surfactant at 1 quart/ 100 gal.  Depending on your perennial foxtail pressure, 10-14 days after that, apply 1 oz. Pastora with (8oz. of 4lb./gal. glyphosate or equivalent) and surfactant.  We will be monitoring the research plot and make recommendations as the season progresses.

 Pastora also has on the label that it can be applied in a 50-75 percent liquid N spray solution or with ammonium sulfate. The producer we visited with had some concerns with the Pastora and its recovery. With this being said, we recommended that he use the recommended rates above in the liquid N or with the ammonium sulfate after talking to a DuPont representative.

 With that said, University of Tennessee research has shown that the liquid N does reduce injury but may be impractical if the grower is not set up for this. Regarding the ammonium sulfate, University of Tennessee research has shown that it did not reduce injury. As is the case with all agricultural chemicals, be sure to read and follow label directions and precautions.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jr. Gardeners Construct Plant Corsets

The Junior Master Gardener 4-H Club recently met at the garden of Vivian England, one of our 4-H volunteers.  Mrs. Vivian showed the kids the wonders of spring hiding right under the leaves from last fall still in her flower beds.  She explained that she keeps the fall leaves in the beds all winter long on purpose- to provide insulation to her perennial flowers.  The kids gently removed the leaves from a portion of the beds to find small, tender plants waiting for the warmth of spring.  Some of the plants were volunteering back from seeds dropped by last year's annuals.  Others were coming back from perennial rootstocks and bulbs. 

Mrs. Vivian also taught them how to make plant corsets for perennials that will get too tall and will need to be staked up off the ground later in the growing season.  The kids made their supports using crapemyrtle twigs and cotton twine.  I have always liked the look of natural materials in the garden for supporting flowers.  The more natural, the less obtrusive the stakes are to the eye as you take in the beauty of the flowers. 

First, the kids laid the twigs down on the ground in a row, and tied them to each other at the bottom of the corset.

Next, the corset is stood upright and a spiderweb like support system is made near the top.

Now all that is left to do is cut the bottom of the corset with pruners into points so that it can be stuck into the ground over your perennial.  As the plant grows, you simply weave it through your spiderwebbing to keep it upright.