On the evening of February 1, the Fayette County Master
Gardener Association had a dinner and awards program at the Oak Room in
Somerville. This year, nine Master
Gardeners received green name badges and graduation certificates for completing
the Master Gardener training course and giving back at least 40 hours of their
time as a volunteer for UT Extension.
Seven Master Gardeners received pins marking their five years of service
as volunteers.
Gardeners with 5 yr. pins (L to R) Sputt Garnett,
Deborah McCarty, Janie Miller, Jim Miller, Tonya Ashworth, not pictured- Dinah
Armour, Jean Jenkins, Kerry Landers
Gold Leaf Club pins and
certificates were awarded to two Master Gardeners for turning in over 100
volunteer hours in 2012.
Gardeners with over 100 volunteer hours- Delois Ledford with
Extension Agent Tonya Ashworth. Not pictured: Darlene Rike
Dr. Christopher
Cooper, Interim State Master Gardener Coordinator, delivered the keynote
address thanking the Fayette County Association for turning in over 1,200
volunteer hours in the previous year.
Mr. Richard Powell, UT Extension Regional Program Leader, thanked the
volunteers and congratulated them on their success. For more information on the Fayette County
Master Gardener Program, call your local coordinator, Tonya Ashworth, at
901-465-5233. UT Extension offers its
programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, religion, disability or veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity